Scientific symposium of the Political Psychology Section of the Professional Association of German Psychologists (BDP)
in Berlin at the House of Psychology, October 4-5, 2024

Invitation for contributions

Social cohesion, which is experienced and supported by the vast majority of the population, is an indispensable pillar for the resilience of society. On the one hand, resilience mobilizes defensive forces against internal divisive tendencies and resistance to one’s own state or democracy. On the other hand, resilience that is also recognizable from the outside dampens the intentions of a potential adversary to attack. The concept of social defense ( is also only credible and promising as a deterrent or civil resistance if it can be implemented in a resilient society.

What role for social cohesion does the experience play that society and its institutions in government, administration, jurisdiction and public communication contribute to satisfy the basic human needs for security, self-determination, co-determination and social integration? What contribution does the experience of social justice make? What are the approaches psychology can use to advise social and political institutions so they promote internal cohesion that is recognizable to citizens? How can individuals be motivated and empowered to make their personal contribution to social cohesion? To what extent do intact families and extra-familial communities of responsibility serve as models for social units that promote cohesion and resilience? What can we learn from criminal clans, risky sects, religious, ideological or political orders and associations about constructive and destructive forms and effects of social cohesion? Diversity of societies as a risk factor for social cohesion? Openness to and support for diversity as a protective factor? The significance of collectivism and individualism. – The scientific symposium of the Political Psychology Section in cooperation with the Berlin-Brandenburg regional group of the Professional Association of German Psychologists (BDP) will address these questions. The symposium on “Social Cohesion” will take place on October 4 and 5, 2024 at the Psychologische Hochschule Berlin.
The Political Psychology Section invites scientists from psychology and related disciplines as well as colleagues from the field to contribute.
Participation fee for the costs of coffee breaks and lunch: 40 euros
Discounted fee for students: 20 euros
The conference does not apply for speakers. Upon registration, participants will receive information on possible BDP discounts for travel and accommodation.

Keynote from academia: Identity Leadership: Introduction to a modern leadership concept and some findings at organizational and political level
Prof. Dr. Rolf van Dick, Professor of Social Psychology at the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main

Keynote from the world of politics: Social cohesion and a “social year”
Dr. Eva Högl, Member of the Board of Trustees of the PHB and Parliamentary Commissioner for the Armed Forces
In addition to the official program with lectures and discussions, there will be the opportunity for an informal exchange during breaks and at the joint dinner on Friday (for self-payers). Outside the official conference program, the general meeting of the Political Psychology Section will take place on Friday afternoon (18:00-19:30).

Keep in mind that the public holiday the day before and the Sunday after the conference are excellent opportunities for sightseeing and visiting events in Berlin!

Diversity workshop supplement: We would also like to cordially invite you to our workshop of the research project “PDM: Profile Building through Diversity Management”, which will also take place on Friday. The aim of the workshop is to inform people involved in equality and diversity work at universities and interested parties about the interim results of the project. Workshop participants will have the opportunity to network with other universities on the topic of diversity management and to help shape the progress of the PDM project.

Please register your contributions for the scientific symposium or the diversity workshop by 31.06.2024 at the following e-mail address PDM workshop


Professional organization team:
Prof. Dr. Petia Genkova, Hochschule Osnabrück
Prof. Dr. Siegfried Preiser, Psychologische Hochschule Berlin (PHB)
Annette Schlipphak
Prof. Dr. Michael Krämer

E-Mail: Workshop PDM

Psychological University Berlin (PHB)
House of Psychology
Am Köllnischen Park 2, D – 10179 Berlin

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